
Alexander Stiller
Tel. 07771 64999-0

Sales department

Andrew McIver-Hartzell
(International Sales Director)
Tel. 07771  64999-0

Jacques Hubert
(Adviser for hospitals, France)
Tel. 07771  64999-0

Customer Service

Patricia Gonçalves Breinlinger
Tel. 07771 64999-20

Astrid Fernandez
(Sales department /
Hospital France)
Tel. 07771 64999-23

Sina Gnauck
Tel. 07771 64999-21

Lisa Bunk
Tel. 07771 64999-26

Nico Veit
Tel. 07771 64999-24

Christina Regenscheit
Tel. 07771 64999-12

Purchasing Department

Klaus Kuhrmann
Manager Strategic Purchasing / Supply Chain
Tel. 07771 64999-15

Judith Hübschle
Operational purchasing
Tel. 07771 64999-22

Yelay Hilalogullari
Production Control and Procurement
Tel. 07771 64999-18


Patrick Lenhardt
(Technical Manager)
Tel. 07771 64999-16

Eduard Blochin
Tel. 07771 64999-19


Marianne Fringer
Tel. 07771 64999-41

Manuela Schwägler
Tel. 07771 64999-40

Quality Management

Michael Kernler
(Quality Manager / PRRC)
Tel. 07771 64999-34

Simone Stickel
Tel. 07771 64999-32

Lars Dabrowski
(Operational quality assurance)
Tel. 07771 64999-33


Marketing and Digital Communication

Yvonne Rieble
Tel. 07771 64999-0

Executive assistance

Sylvia Moll-Blücher
Tel. 07771 64999-30

Human resources

Petra Breuning
Tel. 07771 64999-31